7 Time series of vertical profiles data (vpts)

This chapter describes time series of vertical profiles (vpts). vpts are vp data bundled in time series (without data loss) and are a more convenient way for downloading and reading this type of data.

7.1 Source

These files are not yet generated, but will be stored in the ENRAM data repository.

7.2 License

To be defined, but likely as open data under a Creative Commons Zero waiver.

7.3 Geographical scope

To be defined, but likely the same as the vp data.

7.4 Temporal scope

To be defined, but likely the same as the vp data.

7.5 Format

Not yet defined, but likely text format (txt, json, csv) and tabular. See this issue.

7.6 File name conventions

To be defined.

7.7 Quality assurance

To be defined.

7.8 Storage & backup

To be defined, but likely the same as the vp data.